What is Geaux Rouge?

I am often asked, “What exactly is Geaux Rouge?” It’s a reasonable question. Someone once described it as a cross-platform social media brand highlighting Baton Rouge’s food and culture.  That sounds cool. It’s not inaccurate but I think Geaux Rouge is something more. 

Geaux Rouge is a local Baton Rouge company in the business of celebrating others. We celebrate the social, cultural, artistic, and culinary scenes of Baton Rouge. We celebrate people. It’s about showcasing the known and unknown. 

Geaux Rouge is also a movement of sorts, focused on discovering and sharing experiences in Baton Rouge.  Sometimes the discovery manifests itself through the promotion of people, businesses, artists, chefs, or events happening around the Baton Rouge area. Someone doing something that you might never have heard of before. Other times  the discovery manifests itself in the developing of new events that combine culture, innovation, and exploration in one place at one time–perhaps festivals that bring everyone together. Sometimes it’s just a shared table of people coming together to break bread. Some place new with new people. Geaux Rouge’s goal is that this movement will better the city. 

What is Geaux Rouge? I guess it is a mirror. A mirror for everything and everyone Baton Rouge. 

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